semester - 23L

Individual schedule - 23Z

Last modification of the schedule: 2024.01.09 17:55.06
semester - 24L

  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  
  P/N N N N N N P/N  
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  
  P/N P P P P P P/N  

Command Arguments (remarks)
Search Search for classes (. = any character, * = repetition, ...)
Group Search for classes for a group
Program class Search for classes for a program class
Specjalization class Search for classes in specjalizations
New Add new activity Code Type Week (parity) Day Hour Length Room
View View the calendar
CalDAV Start synchonization of the plan to CalDAV server
Mode Way of displaing the schedule on the individual page: Number of days: Start hour End hour:

Del. Subject Del. Hide Type Day Time Week Mix. Rooms Groups  
  Hide Hide all selected classes
  Show Show all selected classes

2024.07.27 10:52.17