Sample page visible to the staff member

This page in addition to some constant values (like class name, list of students) shows also variable information prepared by teh lecturer. In the example below this are columns related to laboratories, tests, total score and final grade.

The Status column shos information about the student. Possible values are explained in the table blow. The value Extra indicates students added by the lecturer manually. Value No.Reg. indidcates that the student is not registered on this semester.

Status Meaning
  Empty value indicates norma situation - the student is registered.
Extra This student has been manually added by the lecturer.
No.Reg. Student is not registered.
No.Reg.W Student is continuing studies after the break.
No.Reg.P Student has moved (eg. from other university).
No.Reg.N Student is new on this type of studies.

Attention! Columns from the page seen by the staff member correspond to row on the page seen by the student. So all columns shoud have defined two texts: short abbreviation used as a column label on lecturers page and longer (more descriptive) title shown on students page.

Table haed shows labels defined by the lecturer. Following rows show values assigned to particular students (their scores). Table footer displays statistics: number of non empty scores, mimimal score, average score, maximal score. This statistics are visible also for students.

You shoud pay attention to the date displayed in the left top corner of the page. This is the date when the page was generated by the server. If this is not current date it means that your webbrowser has not loaded current content but is showing old one from the cache. In such situation you shoud use appropriate keys (different for different browseres) to force loading the page from the server.

Under the header there is a menu offering serveral commands:

Show This command enables to select for prezentation only one team (if any teams were defined).
Changes In normal situation scores modified or having extra remarks are indicated by a yellow See all changes dot. This command allows to set a date after which all new notes will be indicated by an orange See allchanges dot and modifications will be indicated by a red See allchanges dot (earlier modifications are still marked with yellow See all changes dot).
Sort This command allows to sort the table depending on the value contained in selected column.
Get This command is used to get the list of students in ASCII file.
Upload This command is used to upload scores to selected column.
Protocol This command is used to get printable (PDF) protocol. Warning! Notes of students manually added by the lecturer and students not registered are printed on separate page on the end of protocol.
Print This command is used to get printable (PDF) form of the table.

Last two columns contain icons Zobacz co widzi student and Zobacz wszystkie zmiany. The icon Zobacz co widzi student allows to see the page as it is seen by this particular student. The icon Zobacz wszystkie zmiany allos to see history of scores of selected student.

The icon Zmie\xF1 above each column allows to open the column for editing. The icon Zmie\xF1 on the beggining of the row opens all scores of a single student for editing.


ASU.A - 04L

2004.04.06 13:39.45

Administrowanie systemem UNIX i sieci\xB1 TCP/IP

Powr\xF3t Obja\xB6nienia
Polecenie Argumenty (uwagi)
Poka\xBF podgrup\xEA Pokazuj Pokazuj:
Sortuj wg. kolumny Sortuj Sortuj wg. kolumny:
Pobierz list\xEA Pobierz Pobierz list\xEA w postaci:
Wczytaj list\xEA Wczytaj Wczytaj oceny z pliku: do kolumny:
Protok\xF3\xB3 Pobierz protok\xF3\xB3 w formacie PDF ocen\xEA ko\xF1cow\xB1 pobierz z kolumny:

Zmie\xF1 budow\xEA tabeli
Nr. Nazwisko Imiona Indeks   Zwi\xF1                 Zwi\xF1         Zmie\xF1
Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1 Zmie\xF1
Termin L skr term siec DNS NIS uzytk mail X11 T T1 T2 PKT Ocena
1 Abacki Henryk 787802 Pon12     3                   3 0.0 Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
2 Babacki Rafa\xB3 787463 Wt14                             Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
3 Cabacki Roman 981482 Czw10                             Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
4 Dabacki \xA3ukasz 885761 Pon12     4                   4 0.0 Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
5 Falacki Arkadiusz 713974 Czw10                             Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
6 Gabacki Feliks 419174 Wt14                             Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
7 Ha\xB3as Marcin 856186 Wt14   15 Zobacz wszystkie zmiany 3                   18 0.0 Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
8 Hutorski Maciej 905416 Czw10                             Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
9 Kowalski Zygmunt 862419 Pon12                             Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
10 Kowalewski Janusz 999497 Pon12                             Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
11 Medacki Piotr Jakub 810869 Czw10   15 3                   18 0.0 Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany
12 Mikowski Wojciech Florian 777959 Pon12   15 4                   19 0.0 Zobacz co widzi student Zobacz wszystkie zmiany

ilo\xB6\xE6     3 5                   5 5  
maksimum     15.00 4.00                   19.00 0.00  
\xB6rednia     15.00 3.40                   12.40 0.00  
minimum     15.00 3.00                   3.00 0.00  

2024.10.19 15:16.23