Access rights

Each colmn can have access rights set to one of available values:

visible Accesible for students for reading only.
hidden Invisible for students.
hidden if empty Accessible for reading only for those students for which the lecturer has entered some value.
modifiable Accessible for students for reading and writing.
Colors shown in the table above are also used in the score table, indicating access rights.

Types of columns


This column allows to enter any numerical values: final notes, points scored on labs, tests, etc. Warning! Fractional part of a number has to be separated with a dot (english notation)!


This column allows to define an expression (one for all students) which will be used to calculate a value presented in a table. In expressions all standard arithmetic operators and some common functions can be used.

Constant text

This column allows to define a text which will be presented to all students. It can be a message about date of a test, comment for results of an exercise, etc. The message should not be to long. In a message one can use HTML tag so some parts of a text can be: <b>in boldface</b>, <i>emphasized</i>, <font color="green">or in different color</font> .
It is also possible to insert a link to <a href="info-prowadzacy.html"> other HTML page</a>.

Actually HTML tags are visble only for staff member during test editing. The student will see only the result.


This column alows to enter individual message for each student. HTML tags also can be used as described above.

Group of columns

This column allows to group several columns. Such a group can be collapsed or expanded as necessary. This column can also have an expression which will be used to calculate values presented in the column.

Choice list (list of teams)

This column helps in asssignment of students to teams, tasks, etc. To create such list we have first to define a column of this type, and define possible choices next. Each choice list has one obligatory "empty" element used to indicate that choice was not done so far.

Values of all choice lists can be used to select only rows in which this particular value has been chosen.

Choice element (team)

This type allows to define elements for previously defined choice list. The choice element consists of: abbreviation - shown as a column header to staff members, title - more explanatory text shown to students. Opr\xF3cz tego mo\xBFna zdefiniowa\xE6 minimaln\xB1 i maksymaln\xB1 liczb\xEA student\xF3w, Optionally we can define maximal and minimal number of students who can have this value assigned.

If the limit will be violated appropriate message will be shown.

Team assignments

Warning! Work in progress.

It is possible to assign students using following methods:

Students are assigned to teams in alphabetic order observing the limits.
Students are assigned to teams randomly observing the limits.

2025.03.16 05:28.16